Pondering Cats and Chickens

This is more morbid than anything else, but I was just pondering what might happen if we threw either Peel/Pheolix/P-Dizzle/P-Dizzy/Peelius Potticus/Poodah/Poodah de Moosh and/or Kreamer (who only affords one name) into the chicken coop.

Now, Peel is big and is somewhat of a wimp. I suspect he would be quickly cornered by the two roosters and quite possibly make the mistake of entering the chickenhouse and not be able to exit without our intervention.

Kreamer, on the other hand, would likely attack with all 4 claws and then drag whichever one he killed to the back doorstep for our viewing pleasure.

Needless to say, we shall not be conducting that experiment in any form of reality.

1 thought on “Pondering Cats and Chickens

  1. Kreamer would still get eaten by Bobo. No, they’d have an epic battle…oh wow the more I think about it the more I wish we would have done it!

    Throwing Peel in, however, would merely be a disappointing disaster filled with feathers and kitty poo.

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