I thought it was time to give a glimpse of my media-space before I get too far. Starting from the left, the white box is my wife’s – it’s all DVD’s, it also has my NZ DVD player in it, waiting for me to buy a step-up transformer for it. To the right of that, on top is the TV, bought for us by Kelly’s sister and brother-in-law, topped with some of my card games. Below that is a DVD player and a VCR ($10.50 at a thrift store, works fine!), to the right of that is a 17″ monitor, below which is Telly – my P3 server. It is a Pentium 3 running at 866MHz, with 512MB RAM and a 160GB PATA hard disk. It runs Debian, and doesn’t do much at this point (although it has a bunch of my files, and an IRC bot that I use). Below Telly is the stereo, thanks Katie.
Behind the black to the right of the right-hand speaker, is the 550VA UPS, holding all the PC’s online and surge protecting everything else. The black, for reference, is a CD wallet containing all my music CD’s, 130-odd, and Cookiemonster, a presently unused Dell Latitude C610 – Pentium 3 Mobile, 733MHz/1Ghz, 256MB RAM, and an 80GB hard disk.
Right of that is the desk. 3 Computers here – The Dell is a Celeron 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM and I believe a 40GB Hard disk, this is the wife’s, however she has the laptop so it connects the other machines around the desk to the wireless upstairs. It also runs another IRC bot, that links two channels across two networks. (See http://www.livebravely.ca/)
Above the Dell, are 2 external hard disks connected to the white PC beside it. They are 160GB (Silver) and 320GB (Black) and are mostly used for backup and video editing. The white PC is the Windows Desktop, it is an Athlon 3200+, 1GB RAM, 320GB Internal PATA hard disk, running Windows XP Pro. Above this is another Dell Latitude laptop, this one a Pentium 4 Mobile 1.8GHz, with 512MB RAM and a 40GB hard disk, it is in testing as an Asterisk PABX (phone system) server. To the right of all this is just storage for various cables.
Don’t say it, I already know. I’m a geek. Or a nerd. Or both. Or some combination. However you choose to look at it.