Twiddle Broke the Interwebs

brokeYep, I broke the interwebs. I messed up a firewall script on the smoothwall box while trying to make the proxy transparent (and failed, I might need to ask for some assistance on this one..) and the internet stopped. Not a huge deal, needed to reboot the router which wasn’t a major issue, but while I was gone trying to make it work without a restart Kelly made the picture on the righ left of me with the “interwebs” that I had pulled apart and broken..

Asked her to send it to me so I could post for the humor value.

Miley, Miley, Miley…

My brother in law, Matthew, hates Miley Cyrus and her character, Hannah Montana, with a passion. Every mention of her name brings up loud streamings of strong dislike about her, and why. It was with this in mind that his April Fools Day ‘gift’ was birthed.

I am a nerd. I admit it. Everyone knows it. I have a proxy server that I use with my computer systems for the purpose of speeding up windows updates and such, but I usually only use it myself.

Tonight I set it up to ‘replace’ every URL for a JPG or GIF file that passes through it. That is, 90% of images seen on the internet viewed via the proxy server will be replaced with images of my choice. In this case, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana pictures. Still not making sense? Allow me to demonstrate. Let’s start with Youtube. Here is how Youtube’s main page looks through my replacing setup.


Still not making the point? Lets try Google Images. This is where the one or two non-jpg/gif files slip through. Here is a search for images matching the search term “Pooping”, according to my system:

Google Images

On *that* one, I think Matt will agree, she is pretty poop-like 😉

Ice Cream

I received an email tonight from a long-time internet friend. Granted, our political views usually differ greatly, and I typically ignore everything he sends me. Occasionally, I draw some kind of feeling from them. Tonight it was frustration, an extension of a discussion I had with Kelly earlier today. Here is the email:

“He is now President and the Bible says to pray for our leaders.”

This was so true!

From a teacher in the Nashville area

We are worried about “the cow” when it is all about the “Ice Cream”

The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year. The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest. I decided we would have an election for a class president.

We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.

To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members. We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have. We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.

The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia’s mother.

The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best. Every one applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium.

Her speech was concise. She said, “If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream.” She sat down. The class went wild. “Yes! Yes! We want ice cream.”

She surely would say more. She did not have to. A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn’t sure. Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it. She didn’t know. The class really didn’t care. All they were thinking about was ice cream.

Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a land slide.

Every time Barack Obama opens his mouth he offers ice cream, fifty percent of the people react like nine year olds. They want ice cream. The other fifty percent know they’re going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.

So.. now I’m aware I’m being a little hypocritical posting this on the interwebs, but I’ve also addressed him directly and I’m going to publish exactly what I said. Here goes:

The inherent problem with politics is that there are always going to be offers of ice cream, and there is always going to be a need for someone to pay for it. We’ll also be complaining at the cost of the broccolli when it is so desperately needed in the people as well, saying that it doesn’t taste good, irrelevant of the health benefits. Some people are worried about the flavor of the ice cream, and will only support it if it is chocolate, and others will only support if it is vanilla. Some will quote the cost of the ice cream without tax added in order to make it sound more lucrative. Others will attack the ice-cream people, claiming they have backgrounds in the wrong fields and don’t know anything about providing such frozen dairy products.

What is worse is when people lie to others, and claim a politician is offering yoghurt or cheese instead, and instead of actually doing some useful complaining, they make petty emails with bad analogies and forward them to everyone in their address books.

See, this is a democratic country, and while it may be more fun to spread rumor or sow seeds of doubt in the minds of the people, it would be more productive to write to those in power and exercise the democratic rights that residents and citizens hold by telling them what their subjects think and want of them. We can complain to each other all we like, but it’s spitting in the wind unless the right people hear it. This is precisely how minority groups come across as majorities, because their people write to newspapers, they write to senators and congressmen, and they get the laws changed in their favor. The majority, on the other hand, sit back and write emails to each other complaining about the other side, how silly or stupid they are, and complain further when ‘the other side’ makes progress in government, wondering how something like that could ever happen.

I’m told that every letter written to a newspaper or a government official represents the views of roughly 10,000 other people who weren’t prepared to write for one reason or another. In a country such as this, your opinion is only worth the time you take to voice it to the right people, and convincing like-minded people to do the same. Instead of relishing in the freedom you have to bash government among friends, it would be a more intelligent thing to do to relish the freedom you have to convince your representatives in government to reflect your views among their peers, to do your part in making democracy work. It shouldn’t end at the voting booth, and if you disagree with decisions being made by government, pick up a pen and a pad, and write to those in power to voice your complaints. If you can’t do something so simple as writing a letter, you don’t deserve to complain when decisions are made against your views. Then again, if you don’t like it, you’re free to leave 😉


Let me explain myself.. In this case it isn’t so much that I disagree with the anti-Obama statements – I don’t really have much of an opinion anymore. What I have a problem with is when people think that forwarding anti-[insertgrouporindividual] emails around their friends is being productive and actually changes anything. Heres a wake-up call: It doesn’t. If you want to change a church, talk to the pastor. If you want to change a classroom, talk to a teacher. If you want to change a store, talk to the manager. It only makes logical sense that if you want to change government that you talk to a government representative. Yes, this is America, governed by the people for the people – but telling Joe the Plumber about your problems with government is going to fix them about as well as telling a brick wall. If you can forward an email with your complaints, you can write a letter to your senator. You can copy that letter and send it to your congressman. You can copy it a second time and send it to your local newspaper. If you have a problem with the way the government is governing you have three choices: You can talk to them and argue your points, you can move to a country that has views you agree with, or you can do nothing and live with it. And forwarding emails around with silly analogies is about equivalent to the last option. Let me be blunt. If you can’t be bothered complaining to the right people, you don’t deserve to be listened to by anyone.

Oh, yeah!

I’m sick. My head hurts, my nose is rather clogged, and I generally feel pretty crappy…

I did, however remember what I was going to post last time. A friend of the Cullers family for some time, Fred and Rachel are two pretty awesome people, and with Fred you’re never sure if he’s being profound, humerous, or just found something interesting. This time he’d found something hilarious, and I’m working through watching all the videos on Youtube I can find of Mr Tim Minchin (proof that Australians are good for something ;-))

By far the most wide-spread seems to be his song “Inflatable You“, and he has some equally hilarious other songs. If you decide to watch, you need to be aware that in many places he’s offensive, mostly against religion, and not the best language usage, but I still think it’s pretty funny…

He’s also an awesome pianist, and alot of humour can also be drawn from the music as well as his dramatic pauses and weird looks…

Deciding which to post as an example was difficult, but this is called If You Really Loved Me.

Lost It..

I recall that earlier today I had an awesome idea for what to post tonight, and now it’s gone. Like yesterday is gone. Like summer break is gone. The world keeps moving on. It’s going, going, gone.

I got up early this morning (I need to do that more often, it hurt…it shouldn’t… not like that…) and went to work with Kelly. I was incredibly tired by 10am, another sign that I need to get up earlier and stay up longer and such. I took a bunch of photos in the parking lot and such when it snowed both times, and had a Wendy’s Baconater for lunch. I love those things…

Read a lot of magazines, from Model Railroader, to Garden Railway, to Trains, through another few on the same ideas and then Mac|Life. Quite the transition.. I’m thinking when Kelly’s power cable comes and I get my laptop stuff back, I’m going to try and build the P4 Dell laptop with Linux and see how much like OS X I can make it look.

I’ve also installed another eggdrop on Rhapsody, installed Icecast2 (need to talk to Mack and make sure it works), need to work through configuring a virtualhosts template and hopefully create a basic web-panel to configure Apache’s virtualhosts. I also still need to design a site for I-aL to sell hosting packages.

BTW, I have 10 eggdrop shells available for US$1/mo (No vHosts, sharing a single IP), and a single IRCd account available, starting at US$4/mo, services and price to be discussed although that price will permit 1 bg process plus the IRCd (so services, or an eggdrop). If you’re in need of customised webhosting, leave me a comment and we can work out pricing for that too. I’ll consider hosting a shoutcast/icecast stream or similar or a teamspeak/ventrilo server on request.


Yesterday I wrote in fear regarding my macbook, one of the most important physical possessions I have (the macbook, my camera, my passport, etc..) – holding alot of non-backed-up data (I need to buy another external hard disk at some point…) had water spilled on it and wouldn’t turn on. It’s sat in front of the floor-heater in the computer/art room for around 48-72 hours, the room heated to 60 F constantly, and I’ve been sitting in the desk chair across the room from it watching it nervously from the corner of my eye.

I was going to wait until the weekend to turn it on and see what the damage was, but I realised that having been sitting there this long that it was as dry as it was going to get. So I bit my lip a little and reached down and picked it up from under the table, picked up the battery from on top of the desktop, put the two together, turned the lock thing to secure the battery in place, and pressed the power button. And the screen flickered. Fans spun up. The screen turned white, the speakers made that “Ahhhhh!” noise, the apple logo appeared, it was starting up!

That was nearly 3 hours ago, and I’m blogging this from the macbook.

So thanks be to God who knew we couldn’t handle the mac being down, to Kelly who kept me calm and assured me there was still hope, and to Apple for making a product that can survive water spills.

Triumph and Tragedy

Triumph: Mostly installed qmail on Mack’s newly reinstalled server, rhapsody. A few things to finish off today.

Triumph: Installed and configured a second private hub for UCCN, hub02. Will install backup services at a later date.

Triumph: Kelly put in a job application yesterday, and another will go in tomorrow.

Triumph: The package of stuff from New Zealand arrived today, albeit slightly beaten up from its travels.

Triumph: Shaved.

Triumph: Received most of the outstanding eBay items purchased up until last week.

Triumph: Got the new router installed and running smoothly. Could use a RAM upgrade, but that will come in time.

Tragedy: A bump while drinking water last night resulted in a spill occuring directly above the macbook. It was quickly shut down, but after being left 24 hours or so, it won’t turn on. Leaving it beside the heater for another 48 or so to see if this changes anything, but my hopes are not high.


Today was fairly productive. Kelly, for the last 3 nights, hasn’t slept much at all. Thursday night she had Nyquil, and Friday night was Tylenol PM, partly for her sick, partly to help her sleep. These were an epic fail, resulting in not sleeping longer than 10 minutes at a time, and being paranoid about all kinds of things (mostly my alive-ness). Wednesday night she had Nyquil and was fine, except for a short patch where she rolled onto me, looked up towards me and said “WHAT?” before rolling back over and being quiet again. I prefer this to being constantly asked “Are you OK?” and giving the same answer “YES” — in her defence she thought I was dying.

Anyway, last night she didn’t sleep either, though this time she didn’t have the paranoia either. She instead slept all day, and it worked out as I had planned for Sunday School too. We’re working our way through Romans, last week reading chapter 1, today looking at it a little closer and reviewing the importance of Romans to the bible and to Christianity as a whole.

This afternoon Matt and I went and picked up about 15 boards of cherry wood that a family friend is giving away to anyone with a good use for it, I’m planning on building a special coffee table – more on that later. I also played Command and Conquer (Yuri’s revenge), and beat 3 brutal enemies having lost my construction yard (the first one was eliminated by the other two computers, and I was able to commandeer an MCV from one of the two remaining – my good income had allowed me to create enough troops to overpower the enemy base.)

I also did some more rough plans in church regarding how I want to set up I-aL/Infinitech, particularly server utilisation and what-goes-where type stuff. Small web stuff will go on Rizzo, the VPS. Also probably 10 paid eggdrop accounts, and the administration server for the entire thing. Rizzo will also likely be the master DNS server, and secondary MX. Rhapsody, Mack’s server, I’ll be able to utilise for web, secondary DNS (he’ll be using it as primary), and secondary MX. Telly will be secondary DNS, master MX, and also house backups. I plan to write a basic secured administration site to run from Rizzo providing dynamically updated DNS zone files, Apache Virtual-hosts files etc, and potentially controlling who can and can’t log in and how.

Also, I’m trying to decide between postfix, exim4 and qmail for each server – I’m guessing that the secondary MX’s should be configured the same as the primary rather than mixing MTA’s, the question is which.. All 3 servers are running debian, and all three have a different MTA. Fortunately Rhapsody is likely to be reinstalled this week, and Telly may be going the same way soon too, that just leaves Rizzo with a reimage if required..

Finally, today also marked the completion of the immigration package. We put together all the paperwork that has been requested to date and a folder will be purchased tomorrow to permit the sending of the paperwork to USCIS on Tuesday. We continue to hope and pray that this time we have everything together, and that everything will be approved quickly (or we’ll be told what we need to do and we can do it quickly).

I Hate Hiccups

The other day my wife wrote an article about wanting to lose weight. A couple of days ago we talked about my weight problem, which is the opposite – after a few weeks of not eating properly I’m going from being at the bottom of my healthy weight range to being unhealthily underweight. We considered an interesting challenge for each other – could she lose 15lb’s in a healthy manner, before I can gain 15lb’s in a healthy manner?

I know she wants to lose more than that, but I’d be happy to top out at about 200lb (I’m arount 180 atm). She also mentioned weighing herself regularly, and I probably should too. It’d be cool if we could both document our weight changes in photo/video/other forms.

Funnily enough I had a fruit salad for dinner on Sunday night, and on Monday I finished it for lunch. Also picked up some bananas and kiwifruit (from California – no NZ ones at food lion when we went) to snack on. Do not worry my friends, all hope is not lost – we got a 12 pack of coke too.