With the advent of www.awesomechristians.net, I have been going through old quotes to add to kick-start the site and have been coming across old names that I think of occasionally and wouldn’t mind talking to again.
Here is a list, and if you are one of these, leave me a comment or drop by www.unitedchristianchat.net and let me know who you are 😉
Generically (because I know I’ll miss some on the specifics list):
If you used PHMinistries.net, Christian-IRC.com, Christian-IRC.net, C-Chat.com, Teens4Jesus.org PowerZone-IRC, 24-7Christians or any affiliated site or network between 2000 and 2006, I’d like to know who you were (and if we knew each other), and what you’re up to now.
Specifically (in no particular order):
- tqo
- GenesisX/Ken
- Outsiders/Chris
- OutCast/Megathunder/Jesse
- Sentinal/David
- LordzAngel/Katie
- Cassie
- Buddy
- Nodren
- rdolph/Rachel
- kac4him
- Matt (The Windows-loving-linux-hating guy ;-))
- Underdog
- Dan
- Angel4Dios
- hawkeyeaz1
- Jared
- fac3less
- gimp80995
- SalvadorChicka
- Brad
- Dani
- counselor/Albert
Possibly to be added to/ammended 😉
Hit me up on MSN dude. I have alot of those people on my MSN List.