Photo Friday: Streams of Light

One of my first digital subjects was the streams of light out the back window of a car at night. A long exposure with moving car made the streetlights look awesome.

I still come back to it occasionally, either from a static position with a tripod, watching cars go by. I also occasionally do it like this: from the dashboard of the car while driving. Shortly afterwards I bought a window-mount for the camera so I can avoid losing half of the image. This was taken during heat lightning (which was what I was going for). I didn’t really get much, but some cool lightstreams were there nonetheless!

Photo Friday: Picnic, Anyone?

This looks like it should be on a campground somewhere, back in the woods maybe.

No, it’s Hillandale park in Harrisonburg, VA. It’s signposted off of VA-42, a little north of Walmart and Food Lion at the south end, and south of Downtown. They have a good walking track, and even some fixed exercise equipment that can be used on the way around.

Photo Friday: Sitting on an Axle

In May, the C&O Historical Society organized a Heritage Day in Clifton Forge, VA.

While I was rushing around finishing up what I was doing (while my wife was sick and had gone to the car) I happened upon these two old men sitting on an old wheelset. I probably shouldn’t have stopped to take the photo, but I’m glad I did!

Photo Friday: Photographing the Photographer

One of my favorite things to do as a photographer is take photos of people taking photos. It’s really weird.

My wife also enjoys taking photos, and so often I will find I’ve taken photos of her taking photos, just because it’s what I like to do!

In this case, we were on a train leaving New York (headed to Boston). This was on our emergency trip to Boston to pick up a friend and a car. It was a good time, and I’d love to do it again with a different time schedule and under much better circumstances.

This is my photo from a similar angle, but this is what she was taking photos of:

Photo Friday: Distraction

I go out just about every Friday and take photos of trains, because I’m a nerd like that.

Occasionally I get distracted by things, like this flower beside the tracks.

It reminds me that sometimes, even when I’m in the midst of what can be a fast paced activity, there is other beauty to be found in the area that is worth my attention.