Grow the Hell Up, Dude.

so [censored], why don’t you talk more? I mean I can understand living with your parents, heck if I could do that without giving up my life I would.
be a lot easier
have my mom cook all my microwave dinners for me, spend more money on stuff I want.
games, guns and etc.
put more money into my car
buy top of the line computer equipment as soon as it came out
are you just that offended by me? or us?
do you have psychological disorders?
erectile dysfunction?
your just going to ignore me aren’t you?
act like I haven’t said anything.
Ok [censored], heres some stuff on me you can use. I’ve been arrested three times in the past 2 years on driving related charges.
i’m a recovering alcoholic that has a hard time putting down the bottle.
I’ve done some of the dumbest stuff in the history of dumb in my life.
i have a hard time paying my debts, and I still am paying off debts from like, years ago.
I’m just sayin man, be real.

I don’t agree with everything that comes across IRC. I think if you’re deeply offended by someone you hardly know, typing words into a keyboard from 1000 miles away, you have personal problems that you need to get dealt with. I also think that when you’re typing those words you need to remember that there are real people reading them. At the same time, being honest is important in any relationship, online or not.

This is not about offending people, this is about being a whiny little bitch. Personally, I think the dude this was aimed at has had it coming for a while. He is afraid of girls, and ignores anything he doesn’t wanna hear – often attacking people by suggesting they die, often by his amazing gun-shooting-skillz.

If this matches you, I have some advice – firstly, get a life. If you spend all your time online chatting, maybe you need to get out more. Stop complaining that all the girls you like are getting boyfriends when you don’t bother to talk to them or let them know you’re interested. Secondly, if you’re offended by things that people say, consider why they said them. Try responding respectfully – “I disagree with your statement because … ” – not “You have a big mouth. Shut up.” Third, show some level of intelligence. We don’t like you, mostly because we know you’re smart but all you can do is try and prove otherwise – to the point where we almost believe you. Grow up. In this case, the dude is in his late 20’s. Get over yourself.

That is all. My rant is done.