Inadequite Biblical Characters

I heard this at a youth conference a few years ago, and it came up the other day, so here it is being blogged.

When God Sends People They Make Excuses:

Abraham was too old, and Moses stuttered.

Miriam was a gossip, and Jacob was a liar.

Gideon doubted, and Elijah was burned out.

First David’s armor didn’t fit, then he had an affair, and had someone killed.

Solomon was too rich, Jesus too poor.

Isaiah had unclean lips, Jonah ran the wrong way.

Jeremiah was too young, Noah too old.

Amos’s only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.

Naomi was a widow and Peter was afraid of death.

Paul was a murderer, and Mark was rejected him.

Timothy had ulcers, Martha was a worry-wart.

And Lazarus? He was dead.

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