
Tonight I started the process of renting a VPS (Virtual Private Server – in short it’s a server on the internet). To be named Rizzo, it will fit in with my muppet-names nicely.

Plans? Nothing specific. Mostly vague surrounding eggdrop shells, and web/mail hosting. Will also be hosting two IRCd’s, one on each of the networks I help admin. I’ll also shut down the IRCd on Telly.

The VPS will be running Debian, and I’m looking at writing a control panel for webhosting at least.

In other news, I started working on my ticket system for fault management etc again, this evening was mostly consumed in that area with drawing diagrams on paper and playing with the XML-RPC functions in PHP. Still trying to decide how to do user authentication and security options and such, but that all runs through a security function (which returns ‘yes’ or ‘no’, depending on whether the user has access or doesn’t, respectively) so would be trivial to change to LDAP or a proprietery authentication system. If I write a control panel, it’ll likely use the same database, and I’d try to tie in with FTP and such for user-accounts on the VPS too.

So, if you’re interested in webhosting (with or without domain) or an eggdrop/BNC (no interesting vhosts, sorry) account, let me know. They won’t be free, sorry.

Why I Love Satire and IRC

Recently I was involved in a purely satire-based discussion which spawned from a serious discussion on IRC. I feel it is self explanatory, so let me just blog the log..

[00:26:36] <MyMaynor> lol thats okay…. theres plenty of time to talk to new people.. right now i wanna ask your opinion about something…
[00:26:55] <zEkE_> sure
[00:27:04] <intricatic> hiya MyMaynor
[00:27:06] <MyMaynor> Im sure you’ve read revelations and somewhat know a lil about the end of day.
[00:27:16] <MyMaynor> hello intricatic you can join in
[00:27:18] <zEkE_> a little
[00:27:27] <zEkE_> intricatic is probably better at this than I 😛
[00:27:50] <MyMaynor> so am i being crazy when i trully believe that obama is the antichrist…
[00:28:12] <zEkE_> intricatic? lol
[00:28:19] <MyMaynor> like not like just throwing it out there. i feel he fits the description and we’re so close
[00:28:27] <intricatic> i think the antichrist, in terms of each generation’s assumptions about what the antichrist is, becomes a spectre for political puppetry
[00:28:28] <MyMaynor> everything has come to pass
[00:29:08] <intricatic> it’s also variable based on what part of the world you live in, and how horrible your government is, i’m sure o.o
[00:30:01] <intricatic> i could just as easily say that some super-charismatic leader in Russia who’s able to whip the public into a nationalistic frenzy, much like the communists of past ages, could be a better candidate for the antichrist
[00:30:38] <intricatic> but then i love to argue, so don’t mind me, haha
[00:31:06] <zEkE_> lol
[00:31:41] <intricatic> but seriously – have you read anything about Putin’s strategy for political approval? o.o
[00:32:03] <MyMaynor> well no im not basing it on how horrible the government is…. or anything like that… not that i just picked someone and decided that he should be him…. im saying he can’t put his hand on our bible… he asks for a Korean one… but hes running for president of the US… doesn’t look at our flag to say the pledge of allegance
[00:32:09] <MyMaynor> no i’ve never heard of it
[00:32:26] <MyMaynor> why
[00:32:28] <MyMaynor> ??
[00:32:31] <intricatic> even Satan knows scripture – i’m sure he can touch a bible very easily
[00:32:51] <zEkE_> my personal view is pretty much…who cares? if he is, we’ll find out soon enough…
[00:33:55] <MyMaynor> lol you’re totally right . both of ya….. om gosh i get crazy with it but i kknow i shouldn’t even care. it will all come to pass when he’s ready. so
[00:33:56] <MyMaynor> lol
[00:33:59] <intricatic> Putin is using this strategy of playing off of the people’s perception of the former USSR as a “golden age” for Russia, because of the economic turmoil caused by the revocation of their mutually invested, government-sponsored retirement programs (when the USSR collapsed, they lost everything), to whip them into a total frenzy
[00:34:01] <MyMaynor> i guess i need to suck it up
[00:34:52] <intricatic> but he’s also using the Czars and the warm feelings people have of that era to build a base in the people’s collective memory 😛
[00:35:39] <intricatic> but all the while, it looks like he’s moving closer and closer to reintegrating Russia to it’s “former glory”, in terms of nationalized industries and totalitarian rule
[00:36:11] <MyMaynor> ohhhh glory. lol and?
[00:36:26] <intricatic> and, well, mostly i think he’s just power-hungry and really frightening, lol
[00:36:38] <MyMaynor> yes sir….
[00:36:52] <MyMaynor> see i don’t like to here stuff like this cuz it scares me
[00:37:14] <intricatic> ad hominem satire time: and his first name is Vladimir… that’s got to add at least five points on the “pure evil” scale
[00:37:30] <zEkE_> lol
[00:38:02] <zEkE_> come on now, noone likes to be generalised
[00:38:32] <intricatic> generalization is fun though… all vladimirs are evil, just like all people named Elvis will die from eating too much chicken o.o
[00:39:32] <intricatic> and because i had a bad experience with a cat once, all cats are mean
[00:40:06] <intricatic> seriously… they’re like little demons with deceptive cuteness o.o
[00:40:11] <zEkE_> just like everyone from the middle east is intent on killing Americans, small town mayors are well qualified to be vice president, and everyone who reads the bible and goes to church is saved and will go to heaven
[00:40:23] <intricatic> exactly!
[00:40:35] <intricatic> silly middle-easterners… i bet they’re all suicide bombers, too
[00:40:44] <zEkE_> Wait, wasn’t Jesus from the middle east??
[00:40:49] <zEkE_> man
[00:40:49] <MyMaynor> lol ya’ll r funny
[00:40:54] <intricatic> hush! you’ll foil my satire!
[00:40:57] <zEkE_> our whole religion is based on him
[00:41:05] <intricatic> lol
[00:41:14] <zEkE_> that makes us anti-american via the transitive property!
[00:41:33] <intricatic> i actually love Hebrew history – the Hebrew language is actually so much more interesting than Greek 😀 it’s underrated in terms of popular theology
[00:41:39] <intricatic> 😮
[00:41:45] <intricatic> i r anti-american? o.o
[00:41:47] <zEkE_> yes
[00:41:52] <zEkE_> so long as you are Christian
[00:41:59] <intricatic> well, i have been called unpatriotic at least four times this week, so far
[00:42:05] <zEkE_> because you follow the teachings of a middle-eastern born man
[00:42:11] <intricatic> how terrible o.o
[00:42:16] <zEkE_> who is by his birthplace anti-american
[00:42:19] <zEkE_> 😛
[00:43:07] <intricatic> this is a fine illustration in satire of why i can’t say all middle-easterners are evil, lol
[00:43:16] <intricatic> besides guilt-by-association being a logical fallacy, of course
[00:43:51] <zEkE_> so anyone who says that the US is a Christian nation, by the above satirical explanation, is anti america


<zEkE_> anyone who gets deeply offended by text written by people they hardly know has problems and needs a new hobby
<Midorikawa|Psychosis> exactly zeke
<Ninex> zeke your a queer
<zEkE_> but so do the people who push their buttons in attempts to offend them
<zEkE_> Ninex, i married your ex.
<Ninex> hahahahaha, ohh
<Ninex> yeah
<zEkE_> unless you were queer with her, i think that counts against your previous statement
<zEkE_> 😛
<Ninex> *shrug* i never saw the plumbing
<zEkE_> lol
<Ninex> man, I so totally can’t believe you just made that uber personal
<zEkE_> haha
<zEkE_> you called me queer 😛
<Ninex> lol
<Ninex> fair is fair

Oops, I guess we both voided our rights to be offended by agreeing to the first statement.. I guess the theory isn’t perfect. Then again, I guess Ninex and I know each other a little better than alot of people who would typically be offended on IRC..

Grow the Hell Up, Dude.

so [censored], why don’t you talk more? I mean I can understand living with your parents, heck if I could do that without giving up my life I would.
be a lot easier
have my mom cook all my microwave dinners for me, spend more money on stuff I want.
games, guns and etc.
put more money into my car
buy top of the line computer equipment as soon as it came out
are you just that offended by me? or us?
do you have psychological disorders?
erectile dysfunction?
your just going to ignore me aren’t you?
act like I haven’t said anything.
Ok [censored], heres some stuff on me you can use. I’ve been arrested three times in the past 2 years on driving related charges.
i’m a recovering alcoholic that has a hard time putting down the bottle.
I’ve done some of the dumbest stuff in the history of dumb in my life.
i have a hard time paying my debts, and I still am paying off debts from like, years ago.
I’m just sayin man, be real.

I don’t agree with everything that comes across IRC. I think if you’re deeply offended by someone you hardly know, typing words into a keyboard from 1000 miles away, you have personal problems that you need to get dealt with. I also think that when you’re typing those words you need to remember that there are real people reading them. At the same time, being honest is important in any relationship, online or not.

This is not about offending people, this is about being a whiny little bitch. Personally, I think the dude this was aimed at has had it coming for a while. He is afraid of girls, and ignores anything he doesn’t wanna hear – often attacking people by suggesting they die, often by his amazing gun-shooting-skillz.

If this matches you, I have some advice – firstly, get a life. If you spend all your time online chatting, maybe you need to get out more. Stop complaining that all the girls you like are getting boyfriends when you don’t bother to talk to them or let them know you’re interested. Secondly, if you’re offended by things that people say, consider why they said them. Try responding respectfully – “I disagree with your statement because … ” – not “You have a big mouth. Shut up.” Third, show some level of intelligence. We don’t like you, mostly because we know you’re smart but all you can do is try and prove otherwise – to the point where we almost believe you. Grow up. In this case, the dude is in his late 20’s. Get over yourself.

That is all. My rant is done.

Geeky zEkEy – Ticket Resolution Systems

I just realised that I haven’t posted in a couple of days, and also that I haven’t posted anything remotely computer-geeky at all. It is time to rectify this.

As I’m not likely to have a work permit until some time in December, I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands. This has mostly been spent lazing around with little to no purpose, but I’ve also been thinking up various idea’s and projects to work on.

I’ve been able to implement a few network-changes at UCCN, including remote-includes (and a web interface for staff to make network-wide configuration changes, still in testing), and the safetyNet server (intended to allow young people to chat in a more secure environment than most IRC networks would otherwise permit).

I’ve also been doing some work on some small scripting projects, including the safetyNet bot in mIRC (still needs a lot of work, and may port to PHP at some point). The one I’m working on most is a complete rewrite of a 2-week old project, the Fault Management and Resolution System. This started as being a PHP-based IRC bot that would detect netsplits and send emails to admins, or even text messages if the servers were split for long time periods. It seemed to work in practice, and I then came up with the idea of a ticket-system, where admins would be able to put in notes and ‘close’ incidents whereby they had resolved a problem, so we could keep track of where problems were occuring.

Anyway, the number of ideas being implemented were fast making the code messier than it was ever expected to be, and I fast reached the limitations of the core of the project. With that being a fast-growing problem, I shut down the old system, copied aspects of it, and began work on the new one.

The new system allows much more flexibility with regard to monitoring things. It will allow for staff to be in groups (one or multiple), and where there is a fault or a request it can be assigned to a group (such as server admins, services staff, etc) and to individuals within the groups. It can also be reassigned between groups/individuals as required.

I hope to include some method of tracking how long issues take to be resolved, including as well as excluding how long we wait for other factors, such as an ISP responding to a question, or a user returning our email.

It’s not limited to faults either, tickets for faults or change requests can be manually created by staff, and potentially added by users themselves. The new system will also be much more flexible and hopefully more scalable, allowing for more organisations to utilise the software.

The Joys of Becoming COPPA Compliant

One of the IRC Networks I work with (UCCN) is looking at a proposal drawn up recently to allow children under 13 to join us and chat on the network. To begin with, it looked very difficult to do this in a law abiding manner. Then it looked really easy. After studying the “How to Comply” page on the FTC site, it turns out it is somewhere in the middle.

While it will indeed require some changes in the network configuration, as well as in staff policies and such, the most difficult aspect is the consent phase. Ensuring that parents are who they say they are (or at least having a record that verifies to a legal standard that they are who they say they are) is the hardest thing to do.

All in all, the best method found so far is a signed form from the parent sent by post, or by fax. For our purposes, this will also hold some verification information, and technical details regarding the children in particular.

It also means network changes, only permitting underage users to do specific things, and blocking anything else that might endanger them, or that would be out of our control as administrators, and their guardians while on the network.

The other difficulty is going to be designing and building a secure database system for storing the personal information, that will log who accesses what. This is one of my areas of expertise, however, so it shouldn’t be too high on the hard-scale.

AwesomeChristians.us Singles Site

This is a shameless plug for a new site I’m helping out with (Yes, I’m married. Yes I have an account. It’s for testing. Really. Thats all.)

AwesomeChristians is a site that has been around for a while, and has recently been through a reorganization and refocus, and today was GoLive for the new AwesomeChristians Singles site.

If you’re a Single Christian, looking for your mate, this may (or may not) be your answer to prayer. Just a suggestion, you might want to give it a visit. At least make friends, perhaps find your life partner.

Unwritten Rules

This is a rant, but it will be short.

What I’m fed up with recently, is.. “Law Enforcers” who enforce rules or laws that weren’t publicised.

A police officer arresting someone for doing something within the law is likely to face disciplinary action. However, police officers, parents, other authority figures regularly make requests regarding rules that they have never told their subjects about, and expect us to follow their requests, simply because they are in authority and we are not. That, I believe, is an abuse of power.

I made mention in my Letter to the Christian Internet Community, to a particular legal rule about IRC users under the age of 13. The network that enforced this rule has made no publication (as to date) of this particular rule on its website, on either of its widely advertised webpages of rules, or in its MOTD, viewable on connect.

I contacted the network, and they replied saying “Thanks for pointing this out” – another staff member followed up by saying “It’s in the Java chat, where most new users connect” – I still haven’t seen it, though I concede I wasn’t looking hard.

Today, it happened again. Same place, probably same op, this time asked me to remove a clone. I considered my options, and decided to save everyone some hassle and go with it. I then went and looked up the rules – and once again, there was no mention of it. The closest I could find was a rule against CloneBots, which, ladies and gentlemen, are not the same as a simple clone. The purpose of a clonebot (and the reason for banning them) is to make multiple connections from the same location, and flood a network or channel or server (not just IRC, can include web and mail sometimes also) – causing as much disruption as possible, whether it be by flooding text, flooding join/part, anything that prevents the server from being utilised as it was intended. The reason for cloning is that most flood protection systems will prevent against a single user, however if all the clones are individually not flooding, only causing disruption as a whole, they manage to stay online a little longer.

This is not my reason for cloning. My reason for cloning is simple, really. I have 2 computers that I regularly move between, one is a desktop, and is stationary at my house. When I’m at home, I use this in my living room. When I’m out, or in the bedroom, or anywhere I don’t feel like sitting in the desk chair, I use the macbook, and chat there. Sometimes, and this happens more than most might believe, I move between them quite a bit in short spaces of time. To save everyone disruption, and prevent my own confusion, I tend to leave both logged in at the same time.

This is going to be raised, once again with CCNet, and I will put to them two questions – if it’s for the purpose of saving problems rather than causing them, is it such an issue, and secondly, if it’s not a stated rule – why is it being enforced?

An authority figure making a request regarding a rule that they have never mentioned before, and expecting us to follow their requests, simply because they are in authority and we are not, I believe, is an abuse of power.

Letter to the Christian Internet Community


For the longest time, Christian IRC channels and networks have been targets for individuals looking to become power-hungry by getting onto staff, for dirty old men to pick up gullible teenage (or even pre-teen) girls (or boys) for a dirty evening of dirtiness, for annoying losers with too much time looking for an argument, or merely looking to annoy as many people as possible. They have been sought by people legitimately looking for help, for spiritual guidance, for a replacement to a real church with physical fellow-shipping, whether that be for lack of acceptance in their church, lack of ability to go to a church (e.g. physical and/or mental disabilities), or laziness.

Personally, I don’t feel the Christian IRC community (or the church as a whole) takes all of these seriously enough, nor does it allow for open discussion of certain topics deemed inappropriate for whatever reason. I believe the Christian Internet Community as a whole needs to work together more to promote our God in a positive manner, without the unnecessary bad-press created by negligence, by arrogance, by meanness, by downright idiocy and stupidity.

Not that I like telling the world how to change, in this post I will outline how and why I feel the Christian Community on the Internet needs to change, with a strong focus towards the IRC community. To the owners, to the operators, to the users, and to the attackers and disrupters, this is my letter to you all.

Continue reading

Pleasing response to a complaint

This is the kind of response that all organisations dealing with complaints should take notes from.

CCNet, or the Christian Chat Network, is well known in many circles as being very strict regarding rules and enforcements. For a long time, one could expect that even for writing this, I would be banned for a month, no questions asked.

Allow me to outline the complaint I had.

Here are my (edited outside chatter) logs from earlier today.

Jul 31 12:21:59 <Guest26178> this site is ok, but it is bare bones.
Jul 31 12:22:05 <PurpleHighlights> it’s been almost a year now I think since I’ve been on Second Life
Jul 31 12:22:12 <Kathe> whats second life?
Jul 31 12:22:18 <BrianB> it’s an online virtual world
Jul 31 12:22:23 <BrianB> i created an account and never used it
Jul 31 12:22:32 <Guest26178> they have come out with a new browser for it.
Jul 31 12:22:39 <Guest26178> it is free for basic membership
Jul 31 12:22:40 <Kathe> well i’m sorry you don’t like the set up here Guest26178
Jul 31 12:22:43 <Guest26178> but you can’t own land.
Jul 31 12:22:51 <Guest26178> it is ok
Jul 31 12:22:51 <PurpleHighlights> though for the other membership you pay, the basic is free
Jul 31 12:22:55 <Guest26178> for what it does
Jul 31 12:23:02 <BrianB> secondlife isn’t exactly moderated either
Jul 31 12:23:11 <BrianB> in fact there have been law suits over people’s, uh, “actions” in the game…
Jul 31 12:23:12 <PurpleHighlights> I’ve payed for imvu, I got hooked on imvu & bought my avatar, now a vip member have a access pass
Jul 31 12:23:17 <Guest26178> well Brian, you can get banned in SL. So it is moderated.
Jul 31 12:23:29 <BrianB> it isn’t moderated like this place
Jul 31 12:23:36 <PurpleHighlights> yes ppl can also get banned from imvu if they’re not careful
Jul 31 12:23:40 * Kathe things ccnet has enough ‘characters’ for her
Jul 31 12:23:45 <Guest26178> to use second life you need to download their browser.
Jul 31 12:24:01 <BrianB> well i was on IMVU last night and about fell over when i saw the first chatter’s nickname that i ran into, very ugly
Jul 31 12:24:04 <PurpleHighlights> I’ve had a friend banned from imvu, I don’t know what she did or said, but she went against the imvu tos
Jul 31 12:24:17 <BrianB> that’s why i chat here, it is safer 🙂
Jul 31 12:25:08 <Guest26178> here is an example of what you can do in SL.
Jul 31 12:25:27 <All_TGB_to_God_[Deut_18_13]> and btw….
Jul 31 12:25:32 <Guest26178> I went there one Sat. night and there was a Christian concert going on.
Jul 31 12:25:35 <All_TGB_to_God_[Deut_18_13]> i think ShoutLife is much better….
Jul 31 12:25:41 <BrianB> well
Jul 31 12:25:45 <All_TGB_to_God_[Deut_18_13]> even though i have never been to SecondLife, though…
Jul 31 12:25:46 <All_TGB_to_God_[Deut_18_13]> BUT..
Jul 31 12:25:51 <Guest26178> you sat in an ampitheater and watched it on a big screen.
Jul 31 12:25:53 <BrianB> the problem is waht else gose on around you….
Jul 31 12:25:55 <All_TGB_to_God_[Deut_18_13]> i really do like it HERE, though !! 🙂
Jul 31 12:25:59 <BrianB> that’s why we keep a clean environment

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