Puppy Makes Me Sad

I posted the other day about the chickens two houses down, that we are taking care of while the owners are on holiday. They were OK yesterday, except for ONE that wouldn’t go in the chickenhouse, and we were about 30 seconds away from just leaving it outside for a few hours in the dark (or overnight) when it ran in. The white one with the brown feather is out, yet again, today, this time in a really hard-to-get-to spot, that somewhat proves she is flying out.

Anyway, the chickens are not the reason for this posting, nor are the fish we feed, or the plants. The reason for this posting is a poor Beagle that is on about a 20 foot leash tied to a tree, with a kennel and lots of grass to run on (and food, I’m assuming). The saddest part is that his lead restricts him to a specific distance from the tree, and he’s drawn part of a circle in the grass where he keeps running back and forth at the end of the leash. He also gives the saddest looks and cries when we leave, even though we barely interact with him.

Yes, I know it’s a he, as he is clearly un-neutered 😉

Now, in general I’m not a huge fan of beagles, I usually have little respect for anything smaller than a smallish lab, though the beagle is definitely too large to punt over a fence, therefore it still fits in my categorization of “dog.”

For the last couple of days I’ve been afraid to get too close in case he wasn’t as friendly as he seems, but today I got close enough to pet him and rub around his ears and he loved every second of it. It’s just a further reminder that when we do get animals, dogs especially, that I need to pay it as much positive attention as possible so that it doesn’t need some random neighborhood kids loving it for me because I couldn’t be bothered.

He’s so cute though, it makes me sad seeing him looking so sad, and hearing him cry like he does. I might take the camera over tonight when we put the chickens away and take photos of him, just to prove he exists and how sad he looks!