
Alot of people don’t seem to consider the following, particularly females when begging their boyfriends to propose.

Marriage doesn’t really change anything.

Marriage is a lot like turning 18 or 21, or any other age really. All that really changes are a) your religious standing as far as having sex, and b) your legal rights as a married person.

You’ll have a big lead up to the wedding, and the wedding and reception will be as big or as small as you want it to be, much like a 21st birthday party.

You’ll go to bed that night (possibly doing something you’ve never done before), and you’ll wake up the next day and feel as though nothing has changed.

I know of a few people getting married soon, and Kelly was asking for advice to give to the bride at the showers she’ll be at. This is the biggest piece of advice I could offer to anyone obsessed with getting married to their significant other (whether they’ll admit their obsession or not).

It. Doesn’t. Change. Your. Relationship.


If the relationship changes, either you or your partner changed. Which shouldn’t happen. It’s that simple.