It’s 9 O’clock On a..Friday

Friday, May 15th, 2009.

Today I turn 23. Or 5 (for my secondary age). As usual, nothing feels any different. The allergy-lump in my throat is still making breathing feel weird, and it is still not great weather outside.

There are no special plans for today, though I’ll mow if weather permits and I’m continuing to work on a computer for someone. It’s finishing off Windows Updates and then I’ll be doing software installation and restoring her files to it.

Nothing particularly interesting in the comic frontier either. Today’s XKCD was unusual, and the Garfield-minus-garfield was just like several others.

I sent a facebook message to the people I know who own Wii consoles asking if one of them might bring theirs tonight, since the weather isn’t looking that great. I’m excited to see Kelly’s Dad play, I hear he’s not a fan of video games because he believes we aren’t really in control, we have the illusion that we are in control and we believe it. Wii makes it a little more difficult to continue that belief, and you have a great time killing bunnies in the process..

This window has now sat up for 20 minutes waiting for additions which have not come. So I shall post this as it is, and update it later if I so feel the need. It is, after all, my birthday 😉

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